Blog #2

The video and articles all show how technology has become such a huge part of our lives.  The "InfoWhelm and Information Fluency" video stated that our digital output increased 10,000% in six years from 2003- 2009.  I can't imagine the increase has taken place since then. 

The last two articles, "Creating Classrooms We Need: 8 Ways Into Inquiry Learning" and "The Journey from Digital Literacy to Digital Fluency", include ideas that are related to my learning goals for this course and the other courses within my certification.  More classrooms need to become a place where students can explore, create, and have an active role in their learning.  Technology is a tool that can be used for this type of learning to take place.  Diana Laufenberg said, "If by the end of the year, they still need me, I haven't done my job.  I'm not coming with them to college. They have to be self-driven, independent thinkers."  I look forward to learning ways to use technology in my classroom to help my students become more self-driven, independent thinkers.  It will not be easy, but like Karen Lirenman said in "The Journey from Digital Literacy to Digital Fluency", she continues to do research, ask questions, and evaluate her teaching as she strives to reach digital fluency.  I will follow these same steps in order to reach my learning goals for using technology effectively in my classroom. 


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